CMHC Housing Research Scholarship Program

Aboriginal Peoples
Arctic and Northern Regions
Community, Regional & Enterprise Development
Creative Arts, Culture and Heritage
Governance and Public Policy
Social Justice


Academic Unit:

Memorial Deadline:

External Deadline: Thursday 20th, September 2018


SSHRC and CMHC are offering postdoctoral fellowships to individuals conducting humanities and social sciences research in housing-related areas. Each fellowship is valued at $40,500 per year and is tenable for up to 24 months. Further information can be found on the CMHC National Housing Strategy website. Candidates must apply through SSHRC’s Postdoctoral Fellowship funding opportunity and select the CMHC-SSHRC Housing Research Training Awards Program from the drop-down menu in their application form. They will also be required to provide a justification as to why their research should be considered for these awards. Candidates will have until September 20, 2018 to apply.

Funding Sources

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

This opportunity was posted by: RGCS

Last modified: July 24, 2018