Janeway Foundation’s 2020 Research Awards

Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery


Academic Unit: Inquire with your unit

Memorial Deadline: Friday 17th, July 2020

External Deadline: Wednesday 22nd, July 2020


The Janeway Research Advisory Committee is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for the Janeway Foundation’s 2020 Research Awards. These awards support research which has the potential to improve children’s health care in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Please note that, due to the current covid-19 pandemic, there is uncertainty about when research activities will return to normal.  Depending on how things progress, timetables may need to be altered and deadlines changed.  We anticipate that preparation and submission of proposals can go ahead without face-to-face contact.

Our rationale for proceeding with the regular scheduled time for the call for proposals is to ensure that research activities, including student projects, are not unnecessary delayed once research activities are allowed to continue.

This year’s research grants will be awarded in two categories: independent investigators are eligible for awards up to $15,000, and trainees (including medical residents, graduate students, and undergraduate students of Memorial University) are eligible for awards up to $6000.

Please see the committee’s TERMS OF REFERENCE for more information about the awards.

Complete and signed applications must be received by:

4:30 PM, Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020

Applications must include either the Independent Investigator Cover Page or the Trainee Cover Page, depending on the category of award being applied for, and complete contact information for the applicant (phone, mail address, and email address).

Applications from independent investigators must include a project proposal of no more than five pages (excluding references), a one page budget and justification, and a current CV from the principal applicant. The project proposal should include the following sections: A) background and rationale; B) research objectives; C) experimental design and methods; D) relevance to children’s health in Newfoundland and Labrador; E) implications for future research; and F) project timeline.

Applications from trainees must include a project proposal of no more than five pages (excluding references), a one page budget and justification, and a current CV from the trainee.  The project proposal should include the following sections: A) background and rationale; B) research objectives; C) experimental design and methods; D) relevance to children’s health in Newfoundland and Labrador; E) relevance to the applicant’s training; and F) project timeline.

Each application should be submitted as a single PDF file, with the completed cover page scanned into the application.  Files should be sent to Dr. Rana Aslanova, Research Manager for the Janeway Pediatric Research Unit, at Rana.Aslanova@med.mun.ca.

Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed for this year’s competitions.





Funding Sources

Janeway Foundation

This opportunity was posted by: RGCS

Last modified: September 1, 2020