AMEE Faculty Development Grant- Pre Proposal

Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery


Academic Unit: Inquire with Unit

Memorial Deadline: RIS review not required for Pre-Proposal

External Deadline: Friday 6th, January 2023


The Faculty Development Research Grant is available through the Faculty Development Committee of AMEE, with the purpose of helping and promoting research within faculty development subject area.  A total of £7000 is available to help fund one or more projects each year and applications for projects centered around Faculty Development are welcome, but any relating to other subject areas will be refused.

The grants are open to current paid AMEE Individual and Student Members, and either the Principal, or one of the Associate Investigators of the research project must hold an AMEE membership.

The Award

The grants is an award of up to £7,000 intended to provide additional support for projects in the field of faculty development. This funding may be used to cover expenses incurred in the course of conducting research such as standardised patient fees, incentives for study participants, transcription fees, salary support for a research assistant and meetings of the research group.
It cannot be used to provide salary support for the core team, equipment, travel (other than research group meetings), or institutional overhead costs.

Additional information can be found here.

Funding Sources

Accessibility Standards Canada
An International Association for Health Professions Education

This opportunity was posted by: RGCS

Last modified: November 14, 2022