Canadian Microbiome Initiative 2: Research Teams – Full Application

Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery


Academic Unit: Inquire with Unit

Memorial Deadline: Thursday 19th, September 2019

External Deadline: Tuesday 24th, September 2019


Competition 201811MOT (Letter of Intent) 201909MRT (Full Application)
Application Deadline 2018-11-20 2019-09-24

The Canadian Microbiome Initiative 2: A Focus on Function and Translation (CMI2) will build on previous research investments by CIHR, including the Canadian Microbiome Initiative, which included both the CIHR-III Catalyst Grants in Human Microbiome Research and the Emerging Team Grants: Canadian Microbiome Initiative and the Joint Programme Initiative, Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL) Intestinal Microbiomics. In February 2014, CIHR invited researchers and stakeholders from health charities, industry and government to the Canadian Microbiome Workshop 2014: From Research to Applicationswith the aim of assessing progress in the microbiome field and consider potential “next steps”. Input at this workshop recognized that investment in multi-centre collaborations and national level resource-sharing is needed to build on Canada’s strong microbiome research community, and strengthen Canada’s position as an international leader in microbiome research.

The current competition will support Research Teams to develop new knowledge on the causational roles of microbiome in human health and disease, which will lead to the development of new preventative and therapeutic interventions. The Research Teams will contribute to this goal by creating new knowledge, building synergies, facilitating the sharing of data and resources and facilitating knowledge translation.

The CMI2 Research Core will act as a resource to the Canadian research community and to the CMI2 Research Teams. A number of workshops will be held to facilitate interactions between the Research Core and Research Teams, including a workshop during the application process for the Research Teams, which will include the successful applicants from the Research Core competition.

Funds Available

CIHR and partner(s) financial contributions for this initiative are subject to availability of funds. Should CIHR or partner(s) funding levels not be available or are decreased due to unforeseen circumstances, CIHR and partner(s) reserve the right to reduce, defer or suspend financial contributions to grants received as a result of this funding opportunity.

  • The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $14,350,000 (not including Supplementary Partner Funding – see below). This amount may increase if additional funding partners participate.
  • Developmental grants of up to $25,000 per grant may be offered, if requested, to successful applications at the Letter of Intent stage. The total amount available at the LOI stage is $350,000, enough to fund approximately 14 LOIs.
  • At the full application stage, a total of $14,000,000 (not including Supplementary Partner Funding – see below) is available, enough to fund a minimum of 7 grants. The maximum amount per grant is $400,000 per year for up to 5 years, for a total of $2,000,000 per grant.
    • Included in this $14,000,000, the Institute of Aging will contribute up to $450,000 to applications relevant to the Institute of Aging’s mandate. This amount is included in the maximum $2,000,000 per grant.
  • Of this $14,000,000:
    • Up to $2,000,000 is available to fund 1 application relevant to the IHDCYH Pool.
    • Up to $2,000,000 is available to fund 1 application relevant to the CIHR-JDRF Pool. This application will be funded in partnership with JDRF Canada.
    • Up to $ 10,000,000 is available to fund 5 applications relevant to the General Pool.
  • Supplementary Partner Funding: If requested and found relevant, this funding might bring the total grant over the $2,000,000 maximum identified at the full application stage above.
    • Mitacs funding is available through two programs:
      • Each internship unit under Mitacs Accelerate is valued at $15,000, which is cost-shared by Mitacs and the partner (for-profit and not-for-profit organizations within Canada).
      • Each Elevate postdoctoral fellowship is for 2 years and is valued at $120,000, which is cost-shared by Mitacs and the partner (for-profit and not-for-profit organizations within Canada).

Further program guidelines are available on CIHR’s website.

Funding Sources

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)

This opportunity was posted by: RGCS

Last modified: October 2, 2018