Elevation Grant
Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery
Academic Unit: inquire with unit
Memorial Deadline: Tuesday 16th, April 2024
External Deadline: Friday 19th, April 2024
Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is a national, not-for-profit organization dedicated to reaching
every Canadian affected by a brain tumour through support, education, information and research.
Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is seeking outstanding researchers conducting quality
glioblastoma research. All such proposals will be given consideration. We are interested in
receiving innovative research proposals which incorporate novel or original concepts that have the
potential to make a difference in the lives of patients and projects that involve collaboration.
An Elevation Grant has the potential to be a multi-year grant. Applications for grants of up to $50,000.00 for one year will be considered. Successful applicants may be eligible to receive an additional $50,000.00 in year two. Consideration for year-two funding will be based on the successful completion of outlined goals for year one and the Research Committee’s consideration of impact and potential of the project to advance in a meaningful way.
TYPES OF RESEARCH FUNDEDApplications will be considered for Basic, Clinical, Translational Research and Population Studies relevant to neuro-oncology.
See here for more information.