endMS Doctoral Studentship Awards
Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery
Academic Unit: inquire with unit
Memorial Deadline: Wednesday 27th, September 2023
External Deadline: Tuesday 3rd, October 2023
The endMS Doctoral Studentship Award provides opportunities for research training and broadening the scientific understanding of MS for students currently enrolled in a Doctoral level program. MS Canada will support studentships aligned with our new strategic plan. The strategic plan outlines four key impact goal areas:
- Advance Treatment and Care: Research that aims to advance treatment and care for people affected by MS (e.g. symptom management; diagnosis; developing new treatments and understanding their mechanisms, understanding and evaluating interventions to address mental health, wellness/self-care, and rehabilitation in people living with MS; innovations in the provision of health services, clinical care practices and models of care; and advances in healthcare delivery/policy).
- Enhance Well-being: Research that aims to understand how to enhance the well-being of people affected by MS within communities (e.g. understanding the social determinants of health; assessing the health economics/cost benefit analysis on MS interventions and support structures and systems; evaluation of community-based programs; and advances in health systems research/policy).
- Understand and Halt Disease Progression: Research that aims to understand the etiology and mechanisms of MS, disease progression, progressive MS, and repair (e.g., myelin biology, neurobiology, neurophysiology, immunology, neuropathology, and imaging).
- Prevent MS: Research that aims to prevent MS (e.g. identifying risk factors for disease, effective interventions for prevention, health economic/cost benefit analysis on prevention, and defining highest risk populations).
Based on the nature of the research, the applicants can apply to one of the following two streams:
- endMS Doctoral Studentships: Biomedical research
- endMS Doctoral Studentships: Clinical and Population Health research
Biomedical Research Stream
The Biomedical Research stream supports research which uncovers the biological, pathological, and mechanistic aspects of MS, and provides fundamental knowledge about the development, progression, prevention and treatment of MS disease. Studies can involve in vitro, animal, and/or human models.
Clinical and Population Health Research Stream
The Clinical and Population Health Research stream supports clinical research with the goal of improving diagnosis, treatment, or the health and quality of life of individuals with MS; health services research; encompasses research on, or for the treatment of, people affected by MS; supports population health research that aims to understand the complex, biological, social, cultural and environmental interactions that determine the health of individuals and populations.
Term and Amount
- Maximum term: 4 years (initial award and three renewals)
- Awarded amount per year: $22,000
- Awarded amount per year (for M.D. holder): $50,500
The MSC awards funding annually for endMS Personnel Awards. Subsequent funding allowable within the maximum term limits of the award will be renewed upon demonstration of research progress as determined by the MSC and the MSC endMS Personnel review committee through an assessment of a Progress Report completed each year.
See website for further information.