Harris Centre Thriving Regions Applied Research Fund – EOI
Aboriginal Peoples
Community, Regional & Enterprise Development
Creative Arts, Culture and Heritage
Environment, Energy and Natural Resources
Governance and Public Policy
Information and Communication Technology
Oceans, Fisheries and Aquaculture
Social Justice
Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery
Academic Unit: Inquire with Unit
Memorial Deadline: No RGCS Review Required
External Deadline: Friday 7th, January 2022
To advance the Thriving Regions Partnership Process, the Harris Centre is opening an applied research fund calling for Expressions of Interest from Memorial researchers to address the priorities identified at the regional level.
The fund will provide up to $15,000 per project for up to three projects for creative and relevant applied research on one or more of the priority areas.
Researchers must be available to attend a workshop in December 2021 or early in 2022 somewhere in the Humber Valley Region.
This fund is open to any faculty, staff or students at Memorial; however, if the applicant does not have research privileges, a co-applicant or supervisor with such privileges must be identified.
Researchers from all disciplines are welcome to apply and we strongly encourage multidisciplinary and collaborative projects between faculty, staff, students and community partners.
An evaluation committee will choose the successful applicants after the call closes.
A workshop will be held in December 2021 or early in 2022 that will include local stakeholders and partners and the selected researchers. At this session, researchers, community members and local partners will work together to further develop their research idea and create a full proposal for the work to be undertaken. Researcher’s costs to attend this workshop will be covered by the Harris Centre.
Researchers will then submit more detailed research plans, and funding will be finalized and transferred once the plans are reviewed and approved by the evaluation committee.
Additional information can be found here.