Hollis Brownstein Research Grants Program – LOI

Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery


Academic Unit: Inquire with Unit

Memorial Deadline: RGCS review not required for LOI

External Deadline: Friday 7th, February 2020


The Leukemia Research Foundation exclusively funds New Investigators – individuals beginning to establish their own laboratories that are no longer under the tutelage of a senior scientist mentor. It is difficult for them to get the level of funding they need at this critical point in their careers.

The Leukemia Research Foundation is unique in the level of support it provides to highly promising scientists in this absolutely critical research niche. Providing one year grants of $100,000 to selected New Investigator researchers, allows innovative scientists to act on their ideas, and try new procedures and experiments that will hopefully lead to significant breakthroughs. The Leukemia Research Foundation funds the research of scientists that are from independent labs, not the labs of pharmaceutical companies.

Researchers funded by the LRF publish their results in an effort to inform the scientific community about their advances. In addition, their initial results are used to obtain grants from larger, multi-year funding sources – thus furthering their research and potential for finding a cure.

Support of the LRF will fuel today’s creative ideas and help launch the careers of scientists who may further our understanding of blood cancers for years to come. Founded in 1946, the LRF has raised more than $80 million in its 73-year history supporting its mission.

Program Guidelines can be found here.

Funding Sources

Leukemia Research Foundation

This opportunity was posted by: RGCS

Last modified: December 6, 2019