Innovation to Impact Grants

Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery


Academic Unit: Inquire with Unit

Memorial Deadline: Thursday 10th, January 2019

External Deadline: Tuesday 15th, January 2019


This program is designed to support the logical next steps of a positive, innovative, ‘high risk/high reward’ research grant, with the goal of working towards or achieving a significant impact on cancer.

The Innovation to Impact Grants are designed to continue the CCS funding pipeline between successful Innovation and Impact Grants. Applicants are cautioned to carefully review the full description for details on the eligibility criteria for this funding opportunity.

Scientific focus of the program and eligibility

Innovation to Impact Grants (i2I) are intended to support the further development of significant findings based on the goals originally explored through a funded CCS Innovation Grant. Note: Only investigators with a funded Innovation Grant with a project end date between January 1, 2016 and July 31, 2019 are eligible for this program.

Applicants are required to articulate significant achievements from the original Innovation Grant (i.e., significant new knowledge, publications, intellectual property, technology development, or relevant endpoints) and clearly describe and justify the progression to the new research proposed. Applicants must also describe the potential for impact of the proposed project on cancer.

Investigators looking to explore unexpected outcomes or ideas not originally proposed in a funded Innovation Grant are encouraged to apply for a new Innovation Grant as the Innovation to Impact Grant program is designed to build upon successful outcomes from the objectives of the original Innovation grant.

Full program details are available on the CCS website.

Funding Sources

Canadian Cancer Society

This opportunity was posted by: RGCS

Last modified: October 18, 2018