Janeway Foundation’s 2017 Advocacy Awards

Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery


Academic Unit: Inquire with Unit

Memorial Deadline: Friday 29th, September 2017

External Deadline: Wednesday 4th, October 2017


The Janeway Advocacy Committee is a volunteer committee of staff and residents within the Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation who aim to support children’s health within the local community.  We are pleased to announce that the committee is now accepting applications for the Janeway Foundation’s 2017 Advocacy Awards. These awards support small advocacy / public health projects which have the potential to improve children’s health in Newfoundland and Labrador.  Awards will be up to a maximum amount of $5000.

The deadline for submission of full applications for these awards is:

4:30 PM, Wednesday, October 4th 2017

Applications must provide complete contact information for lead applicant.  Applications must include a project proposal of no more than four pages (excluding references), a one page budget and justification, and a current CV from the lead applicant. The project proposal should include the following sections: A) Background and rationale; B) Project objectives; C) Methods for conducting the project; D) Relevance to children’s health in Newfoundland and Labrador; and E) Project timeline.

The applications will be reviewed by a sub-group of the Janeway Advocacy Committee.

Each application should be submitted as a single PDF file.  Files should be sent to Dr. Rana Aslanova, Research Manager for the Janeway Pediatric Research Unit, at Rana.Aslanova@med.mun.ca.

Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed for this year’s competitions.

Funding Sources

Janeway Foundation

This opportunity was posted by: RGCS

Last modified: August 14, 2017