National Women’s Health Research Initiative: Pan-Canadian Women’s Health Coalition – Hubs – Application

Social Justice


Academic Unit: Inquire within unit

Memorial Deadline: Friday 27th, January 2023

External Deadline: Wednesday 1st, February 2023


Inequities persist in Canada’s health system, from research to care. Women are more likely to die of preventable illnesses and bear a higher burden of chronic illnesses. Significant health inequities and barriers to care also are experienced by Indigenous Peoples (First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and urban Indigenous communities), Black people, racialized people, sexually and gender diverse people, immigrants, people living with disabilities, and people of different socioeconomic positions and geographical locations1. We need to strengthen research and knowledge mobilization with a sex, gender, and intersectional lens to enhance health outcomes, eliminate gaps in access to care, and improve the quality of women’s healthcare across Canada.

Women’s health definition

We recognize that the term “women’s health” is conceptualized and understood in a variety of ways. For the purposes of the National Women’s Health Research Initiative, we approach the use of the term women’s health as an evolving concept, broadly including the multidimensional concepts of sex and gender. It refers to physical, biological, reproductive, psychological, emotional, cultural, and spiritual health and wellness across the life course in the context of the unique intersecting concerns related to our bodies, our minds, our roles, our social locations, and our identities. The initiative goes beyond the sex and gender binary and welcomes the experiences and needs of all people who identify as a woman, girl, intersex and/or an under-represented gender identity, including, but not limited to, Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary, gender fluid, and agender people.

The purpose of the National Women’s Health Research Initiative joint initiative between CIHR and Women and Gender Equality Canada announced as part of the 2021 federal budget, is to advance a coordinated research program that addresses under-researched and high-priority areas of women’s health and to ensure new evidence improves women’s, girls’ and gender-diverse people’s care and health outcomes. It will also promote intersectional approaches to research. To integrate intersectionality, researchers need to consider: multiple intersecting identities, historically oppressed and marginalized populations, and the social-structural context of health. Intersectional approaches provide critical insights and guide actions to tackle persistent gaps for diverse women, including for Indigenous, Black, and racialized women, women with disabilities, women experiencing prejudice, discrimination and marginalization, and members of Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and additional sexually and gender diverse (2SLGBTQI+) communities. The initiative aims to ensure that all people in Canada with lived and living experiences navigating women’s health have access to gender-sensitive, culturally appropriate, trauma-informed, non-stigmatizing, evidence-based, high-quality healthcare across their life course that reflects and respects the intersection of their unique biological, social, and cultural identities.

As a first step to implementing the National Women’s Health Research Initiative, we will support the creation of a Pan-Canadian Women’s Health Coalition. The goal of the Coalition is to maximize the visibility and impact of women’s health research and practice in Canada, committing to the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigenous Rights.

More details can be found on researchnet.

Competition 202302NWH
Registration Deadline 2022-12-14
Application Deadline 2023-02-01
Anticipated Notice of Decision 2023-07-18
Funding Start Date 2023-04-01

Funding Sources

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)

This opportunity was posted by: RGCS

Last modified: January 17, 2023