NORD / InfoReady Research Grants in Research Development
Aboriginal Peoples
Arctic and Northern Regions
Community, Regional & Enterprise Development
Creative Arts, Culture and Heritage
Environment, Energy and Natural Resources
Governance and Public Policy
Information and Communication Technology
Oceans, Fisheries and Aquaculture
Social Justice
Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery
Academic Unit: inquire with unit
Memorial Deadline: Friday 19th, July 2024
External Deadline: Wednesday 24th, July 2024
This opportunity funds research projects that support the disciplinary field of Research Development. In order to develop a robust understanding of Research Development and its impacts (locally, nationally, and internationally), a wide range of projects will need to be undertaken. Some of these will be empirical studies (e.g., surveys, interview studies, case studies, reviews), but others must be theoretical, conceptual, and even purely descriptive or definitional. In many ways, the path to Research Development becoming a field must begin with research that helps the field define and standardize the terms used to identify skills and practices, as well as metrics that allow us to measure both activities and their outcomes for Research Development.
Anticipated awards are up to $5,000 for projects lasting up to 18 months. The anticipated project period for this award cycle is November 1, 2024, through April 30, 2026.
The NORD / InfoReady Research Grants in Research Development Program is open to all interested researchers, regardless of whether they are NORDP members. A list of research topics, including the program’s priority areas of interest, and full requirements for program application are presented in NORDP’s InfoReady instance.
The application deadline is 8:00 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.
Additional details are provided on the online application. If you have any questions, please email Erica Pitre, NORD co-chair, at (Please note NORD / InfoReady Grants in your message’s subject line.) Alternatively, you can visit with NORD Committee members in-person during the 16th Annual NORDP Research Development Conference in Bellevue from April 28th – May 1st.