NSERC CREATE National Quantum Strategy (NQS) Phase 2 Letter of Intent

Information and Communication Technology


Academic Unit: inquire with unit

Memorial Deadline: Monday 11th, April 2022

External Deadline:


NSERC will fund at least three (3) CREATE initiatives through the Government of Canada’s Budget 2021 launch of a National Quantum Strategy (NQS).  Building on the results of the consultations held by the NQS Secretariat, the Supported initiatives will develop diverse research trainees ready to transition to the Canadian workforce in areas including, but not limited to, quantum communications, quantum sensing, quantum materials, quantum computing and quantum algorithms/encryption.  Applications will be evaluated through the normal CREATE peer review process, but applications should include “Quantum” in the title.  Letters of intent submitted to the Quantum call are not included in each university’s quota.  Each university can submit up to two letters of intent for the QUANTUM Call.


MUN has been given a quota for a maximum of two (2) applications that may be endorsed at the LOI stage to go forward for the NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program opportunity.

To this end, there will be an internal submission process through Research Grant & Contract Services (RGCS) PRIOR TO THE NSERC DEADLINE to facilitate the selection of LOI’s to go forward (see below).

If you are intending to submit an LOI for internal committee consideration as part of this quota, please initiate a discussion with your Associate Dean (Research) and Grants Facilitator(s) as soon as possible. As this program is intended to support training programs which are self-sustaining beyond the period of the grant it is critical that faculty are in support of the program being proposed.

SIRI will be offering additional support to those applicants selected through Memorial’s internal process. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Karen Follett (kfollett@mun.ca) or Jennifer Stevens (v5js@mun.ca) in advance of the internal deadline for preliminary discussions regarding their LOI.


Phase 1 – Registration (required) Deadline: Wednesday, March 30, 2022

For the purpose of establishing an internal review committee, interested applicants are required to provide the following information:

  • List of names of the Principal Investigator and all internal (Memorial) co-applicants
  • Title of the Project
  • A 100-word description of the Project

Please forward to Research Grant and Contract Services by email via rgcs@mun.ca  Subject Line: NSERC CREATE QUANTUM – Registration Deadline: March 30, 2022

As per previous competitions, individuals may be involved as an Applicant or Co-applicant on a maximum of 2 CREATE projects (eg. one awarded project plus the current application, or two proposed applications), and an individual can only be the Applicant on one application in a given competition. Where an individual is involved in two (2) CREATE projects, the projects must be distinct from each other.   

Phase 2- LOI for Internal Review (required) Deadline:  Monday, April 11, 2022

Selected applicants will be endorsed to go forward into the NSERC LOI competition as part of MUN’s quota, and a letter of endorsement from the Office of the Vice President (Research) will be provided for inclusion as part of the LOI application. Only those LOI applications selected and endorsed through the internal review process will be accepted by NSERC.

Documents required for LOI internal review:

–           Complete LOI documents as noted in the NSERC CREATE LOI Instructions (http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Professors-Professeurs/Grants-Subs/CREATE-FONCER_eng.asp) (with the exception of the VPR letter which will be provided to the selected applicants)

LOI’s must be submitted to Research Grant and Contract Services (RGCS) through the Researcher Portal. Please ensure you allow sufficient time for Faculty Approval to be given via the Researcher Portal in order to meet the internal deadline.

SIRI will be offering additional support to those applicants selected through Memorial’s internal process. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Karen Follett (kfollett@mun.ca) or Jennifer Stevens (v5js@mun.ca) in advance of the internal deadline for preliminary discussions regarding their LOI.

Phase 3- Review/Approval of Finalized LOI (selected applicants only) Deadline: Friday, April 22, 2022

 Following committee review, the selected applicants will be provided feedback on their LOI’s and given an opportunity to incorporate suggestions.  Instructions on process for the Researcher Portal will be provided to the selected applicants. Once approved, the applicant will submit their finalized LOI via the NSERC portal to meet the NSERC deadline of May 2, 2022.

SIRI will be offering additional support to those applicants selected through Memorial’s internal process. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Karen Follett (kfollett@mun.ca) or Jennifer Stevens (v5js@mun.ca) in advance of the internal deadline for preliminary discussions regarding their LOI.

NSERC CREATE Program Information

 Program information for 2023 competition is on the NSERC website. **Please check back to the site for updates (http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Professors-Professeurs/Grants-Subs/CREATE-FONCER_eng.asp). We encourage potential applicants to read this as well as the following instructions:

LOI – Form 187 Instructions

CREATE Frequently Asked Questions

Some important updates this year:

  1. Security provisions: Research and establishing and/or continuing partnerships with national, internal and multination organization
  2. Quantum Call: NSERC will fund at least three CREATE initiatives through the Government of Canada’s Budget 2021 launch of a National Quantum Strategy
    1. Quantum call LOIs are not included in the university quota
    2. Limit of 2 Quantum call LOIs per university
  3. LOI quotas: Adjusted for a very small number of universities
  4. COVID-19 – Applicants should discuss the COVID-19 impacts and mitigation strategies (LOI and Application). Please refer to NSERC’s Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on research: New guidelines for NSERC’s community website

Contact Information:

NSERC: CREATE@nserc-crsng.gc.ca

For queries relating to program/content of your LOI application, please contact your Grants Facilitator(s).

SIRI will be offering additional support to those applicants selected through Memorial’s internal process. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Karen Follett (kfollett@mun.ca) or Jennifer Stevens (v5js@mun.ca) in advance of the internal deadline for preliminary discussions regarding their LOI.

For queries on the internal review process, please contact Manager, Pre-Award Services RGCS, via email skruger@mun.ca.

Funding Sources

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)

This opportunity was posted by: RGCS

Last modified: March 24, 2022