Pfizer: BRAF-mutation Biomarker Testing in Colorectal Cancer and Melanoma – Request for Proposals/Application
Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery
Academic Unit: Inquire within your unit
Memorial Deadline: Tuesday 3rd, August 2021
External Deadline: Monday 9th, August 2021
Pfizer Global Medical Grants (GMG) supports the global healthcare community’s independent initiatives (e.g., research, quality improvement, or education) to improve patient outcomes in areas of unmet medical need that are aligned with Pfizer’s medical and/or scientific strategies.
Pfizer’s GMG competitive grant program involves a publicly posted Request for Proposal (RFP) that provides detail regarding a general area of interest, sets timelines for review and approval, and uses an internal Pfizer review process to make final grant decisions. Organizations are invited to submit an application addressing the practice gaps as outlined in the specific RFP.
For all independent quality improvement grants, the grant requester (and ultimately the grantee) is responsible for the design, implementation, and conduct of the independent initiative supported by the grant. Pfizer must not be involved in any aspect of project development, nor the conduct or monitoring of the quality improvement program.
Area of Interest
Projects that will be considered for Pfizer support will focus on::
1. Optimizing current biomarker testing practices for the detection of BRAF V600-mutations in colorectal cancer or melanoma (e.g., pre-analytical sample processing, increased efficiency and output, shortening of turnaround times), and/or,
2. Improving patient-related outcomes for molecular testing in colorectalcancer3 and melanoma, such as improved speed/access to therapies, shortened delays associated with patient awareness of mutational status, increasing number of tested patients etc., and/or,
3. Implementing novel or innovative testing methods for the detection of BRAF-mutated variants, aimed at addressing challenges experienced with current testing methodologies. It is not our intent to support clinical research projects. Projects evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic or diagnostic agents will not be considered.
Key Dates:
- * RFP release date: June 7th, 2021
- * Grant Application due date: August 9th, 2021 Please note the deadline is 23:59 Eastern Standard Time (e.g. New York, GMT -5).
- * Anticipated Grant Award Notification Date: August 27, 2021
- * Fully executed Grant Agreement: by September 24, 2021. Grants will only be distributed following a fully executed agreement.
- *Anticipated Project Start and End Dates: October 22, 2021 to October 22, 2022
Additional information can be found here.