Team Grant: Canada-EU Smart Living Environments – Transitions in Care

Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery


Academic Unit: Inquire with your unit

Memorial Deadline: Thursday 11th, June 2020

External Deadline: Thursday 18th, June 2020


SIRI will be offering support with application development for this opportunity. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Jennifer Stevens ( early during the development process to discuss the services available to them.

This funding opportunity is one of several that are part of the CIHR Transitions in Care (TiC) multi-Institute Initiative. The TiC initiative aims to improve the health and wellness of Canadians by supporting research that transforms the health system to optimize the outcomes of patients experiencing transitions in care.

CIHR is partnering with the European Commission to fund international teams tackling transitions in care challenges. The goal of this funding opportunity is to build a collaboration of stakeholders in Europe and Canada in the domain of smart living environments for ageing people that will focus on the development, integration and evaluation of eHealth innovations addressing transition in care challenges in order to improve health outcomes. In addition, the collaboration should also consider ways to optimize the quality of outcomes and the cost-effectiveness of smart living environments that support care transitions (i.e. pragmatic evaluation and use in care delivery programs or systems), through rigorous research designs.

Canadian applicants must work in collaboration with stakeholders, including international research teams, eHealth industry partners, and health system decision makers, in order to improve health outcomes. It is strongly encouraged that applicants also work with patient/family/caregivers and clinicians.

Research team must have the capacity to:

  • Establish productive partnerships with international partners and eHealth innovation industries to co-design eHealth-enabled service delivery programs to improve transitions in care;
  • Evaluate the impactefficiency, and cost-effectiveness of eHealth innovations in addressing gaps and inefficiencies in servicing TiC focus areas. The evaluation will utilize pragmatic clinical trial design(s) to generate high-quality (valid and reliable) evidence that will assist in the subsequent spread and scale (sharing) of successful innovations; and
  • Integrate successful eHealth innovations into care delivery programs and promote their uptake and use among health service providers.

Funding to the Canadian component of the team requires that a proposal also includes one or both of the following research areas as relevant to ageing people.

Research Areas

This funding opportunity will support projects relevant to the following research areas:

  • Changing health status or care: Individuals facing changes in their health status (i.e., suffering a stroke) or living with chronic or complex health conditions (i.e., atrial fibrillation). These individuals may experience several handovers among health providers, institutions, hospital units and/or have a change in care location (e.g., home to hospital; community care to tertiary care).
  • Key populations to optimize transition in care outcomes: Populations at increased risk of adverse transition in care outcomes include First Nations, Inuit and Métis people; individuals residing in rural and/or remote communities; individuals who are transgender; individuals with an intersex condition; older adults and new ageing populations (i.e., survivors of diseases/conditions that previously led to early death); new immigrants; and those who experience systemic, cultural and/or language barriers.

For complete information on the challenge to be addressed, scope, expected impact, and cross-cutting priorities, please refer to the European Commission funding opportunity.

Partners (Updated: 2019-10-17)

Consistent with the program’s emphasis on partnerships, grants are funded through a combination of CIHR and partner funding.

  • The New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF) has expressed an interest in supporting this competition. Applicants interested in exploring a partnership with the NBHRF are required to contact the NBHRF to request supporting documentation by the partner’s deadline.

Please refer to the Sponsor Description for more information on partner deadlines and specific requirements.

Funds Available

CIHR and partner(s) financial contributions for this initiative are subject to availability of funds. Should CIHR or partner(s) funding levels not be available or are decreased due to unforeseen circumstances, CIHR and partner(s) reserve the right to reduce, defer or suspend financial contributions to grants received as a result of this funding opportunity.

  • The total amount available to the Canadian component of the team from CIHR for this funding opportunity is $1,920,000 CAD, enough to fund up to two (2) grants. This amount may increase if additional funding partners participate. The maximum CIHR amount per grant is $240,000 CAD per year for up to four (4) years for a total of $960,000 CAD per grant.
  • Canadian applicants must secure, by the application deadline, partnership contributions equivalent to a minimum of 30% of the total grant amount requested, with a minimum of half (15% contribution) of the amount representing a cash contribution (i.e., a total of $288,000 CAD partner match is required per grant with a minimum of $144,000 CAD as a cash contribution per grant). See Additional Information for more details on Types of Eligible Partner Funding. (Updated: 2019-10-17)
  • .
  • Additional linformation can be found at ResearchNet.

Funding Sources

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)

This opportunity was posted by: RGCS

Last modified: June 3, 2020