Team Grant : Food Security and Climate Change in the Canadian North – (Full Application)

Aboriginal Peoples
Arctic and Northern Regions
Community, Regional & Enterprise Development
Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery


Academic Unit: Inquire with your unit

Memorial Deadline: Tuesday 22nd, February 2022

External Deadline: Tuesday 1st, March 2022


SIRI will be offering support with application development for this opportunity. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Jennifer Stevens ( early during the development process to discuss the services available to them.

In 2014, the Council of Canadian Academies released a report entitled, Aboriginal Food Security in Northern Canada: An Assessment of the State of Knowledge. This report documents the particularly serious and growing challenge of food security in Canada’s northern and remote Indigenous communities. Evidence from a variety of sources concludes that food insecurity among Northern Indigenous Peoples is a problem that requires urgent attention to address and mitigate the serious impacts it has on health and well-being. Evidence indicates that people who are food insecure are more susceptible to malnutrition and infection, as well as chronic health problems such as obesity, anemia, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stress, and child developmental issues. Mental health effects of food insecurity include reduced ability to learn, depression, and social exclusion. The work of the Panel concluded that the toll of food insecurity on human well-being and the economic costs of an emerging public health crisis in northern Canada represent serious concerns that require immediate attention and integrated responses.

This investment from CIHR is part of Budget 2017’s commitment to support the government’s Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. CIHR is implementing targeted investments in health and climate change in collaboration with stakeholders. CIHR’s targeted investments are intended to enhance CIHR’s Environments and Health Signature Initiative by funding new environments and health research to increase our understanding of the health impacts of climate change. The outcomes of this investment would ensure that communities and organizations have access to new knowledge, tools and resources to collectively manage and reduce the health impacts of climate change. It will build an evidence base to support effective health and non-health interventions that enable climate change adaptation.

The overall goal of the Food Security and Climate Change in the Canadian North Initiative is to support research that will provide a deeper understanding of food security and climate change in the Canadian North, with a focus on Indigenous (i.e., First Nations, Inuit and Métis) populations, and to support the development of effective approaches, programs and policies to address this issue.

The focus of this funding opportunity is to support Team Grants that bring together multidisciplinary teams of researchers, knowledge users and/or partners to work together to address food security and climate change in the North.

Research Areas

This funding opportunity will support Indigenous-led and community-driven projects relevant to food security and climate change in the Canadian North.

The Research Teams may address the research gaps identified by the Expert Panel on the State of Knowledge of Food Security in the North, including but not limited to:

  • climate change, the environment, and traditional/country food systems in the North;
  • food sovereignty and governance related to Indigenous Peoples, climate change and food security;
  • research and monitoring methodologies related to climate change and food security in the North;
  • health, wellness, and nutritional status related to climate change and food security in the North;
  • effective approaches, programs and policies to address food insecurity and climate change in the North through implementation science.

For the purpose of this funding opportunity, the Canadian North includes Inuit Nunangat and the Territories. It also includes Northern remote areas of provinces eligible for Nutrition North Canada (NNC). Eligibility is based solely on isolation factors. These criteria can be found on the NNC website, along with a list of the eligible communities.

Additional information can be found at Research Net.

Funding Sources

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)

This opportunity was posted by: RGCS

Last modified: February 17, 2021