Team Grant : Netherlands-Canada Type 2 Diabetes Research Consortium- Full Application

Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery


Academic Unit: Inquire with Unit

Memorial Deadline: Tuesday 17th, March 2020

External Deadline: Tuesday 24th, March 2020


SIRI will be offering support with application development for this opportunity. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Jennifer Stevens ( early during the development process to discuss the services available to them.

Much has been learned about the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and important new treatments have been generated over the past century; however, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing dramatically as are the associated complications. CIHR, ZonMw, the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation (Diabetes Fonds), and Health~Holland are working in partnership to accelerate research and development to improve the lives of people with type 2 diabetes in Canada and the Netherlands by supporting one (1) internationally competitive and innovative Netherlands-Canada Type 2 Diabetes Research Consortium.

The Netherlands-Canada Type 2 Diabetes Research Consortium will support the formation of one international Consortium between Dutch researchers funded through the Diabetes II Breakthrough Projects, for-profit private parties and other private parties, and Canadian researchers, and will leverage the expertise of type 2 diabetes researchers in both countries. The 20 Dutch Diabetes II Breakthrough Projects are funded by a ZonMw and Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation research call launched in 2018; project abstracts are available on the ZonMw website.

More information can be found at Research Net.

Funding Sources

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)

This opportunity was posted by: RGCS

Last modified: December 6, 2019