Wild Blueberry Association of North America (WBANA) Health Research Committee – Preliminary Research Proposal (PRP) for 2025 Funding Consideration
Environment, Energy and Natural Resources
Well-being, Health and Biomedical Discovery
Academic Unit: inquire with unit
Memorial Deadline: RIS review not required for PRP
External Deadline: Saturday 1st, June 2024
The Wild Blueberry Association of North America (WBANA) carries out an abbreviated proposal review process to determine if proposed research fits within WBANA’s scope of interest and available funding. Researchers are currently invited to submit one or more Preliminary Research Proposals (PRP) to WBANA for possible funding starting in 2025.
Researchers may submit more than one PRP.
WBANA will consider providing financial and in-kind support for relevant projects already receiving funds from other sources, in order to expand the goals and outcomes of the project.
About WBANA’s Health Research Program and Priorities:
WBANA is a small trade organization with a limited health research budget, but we strive to support as many high-quality projects as possible. WBANA is most interested in proposals for clinical projects. Our current priorities are to examine the effects of wild blueberries in the following areas: metabolic and cardiovascular health, cognition and brain health, and wellness in aging. Compelling projects in other relevant areas will also be considered, as will collaborative projects.
Proposal Process and Deadlines:
Submit PRP(s) to Kit Broihier at nutricomminc@mac.com by June 1, 2024.
ALL Applicants will receive acknowledgement of receipt via email. Only those applicants whose PRP is of interest to WBANA will receive a second email and request for a full proposal.
June 1/24 Deadline for PRP submissions
July 12/24 Deadline for notification by WBANA to successful applicants
(Only successful applicants will be notified)
August 31/24 Deadline for submission of full research proposal
January 31/25 Deadline for notification of final decisions on full research proposals
The PRP should include:
• Project title which is descriptive and specific to wild blueberries.
• Name and affiliation of principal investigator and major collaborators.
• Description of proposed project. In a maximum of 2 pages (1.5-inch line spacing) describe the proposed project, its goals, rationale, and general timeline. Clearly state how the project could contribute to the body of evidence supporting human health benefits of wild blueberries/blueberries.
• Research budget, outlined under major categories (materials and supplies, salaries, etc). Indicate availability of any leveraging funds. For multi-year projects, outline the budget per calendar year. Note: As a 501(c)(5) non-profit, it is the policy of WBANA not to pay for overhead costs.
• Bibliography of key literature relevant to the proposed research.
• Estimated need for whole, frozen wild blueberries, and powders of wild blueberry or placebo.